KWT Digital Marketing Institute in Uttam Nagar, West Delhi

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Enroll now in certification programs of Google Analytics Training in New Delhi. Our Google Analytics Training course covers topics such as understanding Google analyzing website traffic patterns, Google Analytics terminology, and using data to improve website usability and conversion rates. Selecting the Google Analytics course from KWT Digital Uttam Nagar, the factors such as course content, duration, faculty expertise, practical exercises, and industry recognition to ensure it meets your specific learning goals in Google Analytics.

Module 1: Introduction to Google Analytics
  • Understanding the importance of web analytics in digital marketing
  • Overview of Google Analytics and its features
  • Setting up a Google Analytics account and website tracking code
  • Navigating the Google Analytics interface
Module 1: Google Analytics Setup and Configuration
  • Configuring goals and conversions in Google Analytics
  • Setting up filters and segments for data analysis
  • Linking Google Analytics with other Google products (e.g., Google Ads, Search Console)
  • Implementing enhanced tracking features (e.g., cross-domain tracking, event tracking)
Module 3: Understanding Google Analytics Reports
  • Exploring the different types of reports in Google Analytics (e.g., Audience, Acquisition, Behavior)
  • Analyzing key metrics and dimensions in each report
  • Interpreting data to gain insights into website performance and user behavior
  • Customizing reports and creating dashboards for easy data visualization
Module 1: Audience Analysis with Google Analytics
  • Understanding audience segmentation and demographics data
  • Analyzing user behavior, interests, and engagement metrics
  • Exploring user acquisition and behavior flow reports
  • Utilizing cohort analysis to understand user retention and behavior patterns
Module 5: Acquisition Analysis with Google Analytics
  • Analyzing traffic sources and channels to measure marketing effectiveness
  • Evaluating the performance of organic search, paid search, social media, and referral traffic
  • Tracking campaign performance with UTM parameters and campaign tagging
  • Exploring the Behavior Flow report to understand user journeys and conversion paths
Module 6: Behavior Analysis with Google Analytics
  • Analyzing website content and page-level metrics
  • Understanding user engagement metrics (e.g., bounce rate, time on page)
  • Evaluating site search data to understand user intent and preferences
  • Utilizing event tracking and virtual pageviews for enhanced behavior analysis
Module 7: E-commerce Tracking with Google Analytics
  • Setting up e-commerce tracking for online stores
  • Analyzing product performance, sales funnels, and transaction data
  • Implementing enhanced e-commerce features (e.g., product impressions, shopping behavior analysis)
  • Utilizing goal tracking and multi-channel funnels for e-commerce analysis
Module 8: Conversion Tracking and Goal Measurement
  • Defining and setting up goals for different website actions
  • Implementing goal tracking for conversions, sign-ups, and downloads
  • Analyzing goal completion data and conversion rates
  • Utilizing attribution models to understand the impact of different channels on conversions
Module 9: Advanced Features and Customization
  • Exploring advanced features in Google Analytics, such as custom dimensions and metrics
  • Utilizing custom reports and advanced segments for deeper analysis
  • Implementing event tracking for user interactions and micro-conversions
  • Creating custom alerts and intelligence events for real-time monitoring
Module 10: Google Analytics and Data-Driven Decision Making
  • Understanding the role of Google Analytics in data-driven decision making
  • Leveraging data insights to optimize marketing strategies and website performance
  • Creating actionable reports and presenting data to stakeholders
  • Discussing emerging trends and future developments in Google Analytics
Upcoming Batches

Monday to Friday

Complete Digital Marketing

Rs. 25,000/-

2 Month Duration

Free 3 Months Internship

25+ Modules

1 Hour

"Limited Seats"

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MWF Batch

Complete Digital Marketing

Rs. 25,000/-

2 Month Duration

Free 3 Months Internship

25+ Modules

2 Hour

"Limited Seats"

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Saturday Batch

Complete Digital Marketing

Rs. 25,000/-

3 Month Duration

Free 3 Months Internship

25+ Modules

3 Hour

"Limited Seats"

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Sunday Batch

Complete Digital Marketing

Rs. 25,000/-

3 Month Duration

Free 3 Months Internship

25+ Modules

3 Hour

"Limited Seats"

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